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the blog
Our community began as a platform to spread the triumphs, challenges, and stories of the API community, and we aim to continue that tradition. Shower us with thoughts, embarrassing stories, backpacking recipes. We want it all.

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Fishing & Family: Following a lineage of fishermen
By Anonymous I can still hear my mother’s voice in my head: “you use too much of my Wi-Fi surfing the internet about fishing, too much of...

A letter to a friend...
Hellooooo Outdoor Asian family and fraaaands! Blogs are cool and all, but it's no match to a hand-written letter (however terrible your...

Yellow Girl in Orange Chaps: My Summer as a Chainsaw-Wielding Conservation Crew Member
The first time I tried to start a chainsaw, things didn't go well. My unseasoned arms, too weak to pull the cord properly, dangled...

How I Got My Mammoth Hoodie
Dear Outdoor Asian Friends & Family, I don't always go skiing, but when I do: Faceplant. Sore ass. Expensive AF hot chocolate. and much...

5 Lessons on Cycling from an Amateur Vietnamese-American
Dear Outdoor Asian Friends & Fam, Are you tired of all those awkward pandemic walking dates at the park? Well, my friends ME TOO. Today,...
Upcoming Events this Month
Dear Outdoor Asian Friends & Family~! In the month of May, we celebrate all things May-ey, including: Mothers💃 Wildflowers🌼 Buddha's...

I’ll never forget the first time I put my park ranger uniform on. I made sure everything was perfect. I ironed my gray shirt and green...

EXP Gained! & Giveaway
Dear Outdoor Asian family and friends, In celebration of National Park Week, we present to you a very special friend and artist, who's...

Madi's Poem
Dear Outdoor Asian family & friends, Today, Madi Keaton shares a poem of sorrow and resilience - a reflection on family and their...

Taiwanese Hospitality
Dear Outdoor Asian family and friends, The tiny and mighty island nation of Taiwan has a number of notorious quirks: bustling night...

Blooming in Winter
To our dear friends and family Far to the east, there is a flower that quite unusually prefers to open its petals in the bitter cold of...

The Complete Guide to Winter Hiking
Dear Outdoor Asian family Winter is perhaps the most challenging season for many of us, indeed for most of life in the temperate regions...

Gear Repair 101 with Yvan Tran
Dear Outdoor Asian family, Are you stuck at home with nothing to do but dream of the outdoors? YES! ⛰️ Do you have some beloved gear...

Learning with our Agencies
Dear Outdoor Asian family, This holiday season, we hope to bring you content to keep you engaged as you stay safe at home. Many in our...

The Colorado Chapter by Amber Inthavong
GOOOOD MONDAY MORNING!! 💤 💤 💤 Have you had your tea today yet? No? 😱 😱 😱 Well I'll give you 5 minutes, but don't let the tea steep...

Kimchi, Jjigae, and Big Bowl of Rice: Welcoming Christina Roh
Today we meet Christina Roh of the brand new Outdoor Asian Los Angeles chapter!

To be an Asian American Girl, Blogging
Today we have accomplished blogger and badass Outdoor Asian Amber Inthavong laying down some real talk about her experience in the...

Sierra Rising
Today we are featuring a piece by Max Lam, a member of the Washington chapter for Outdoor Asian. Max, thank you so much for sharing your...

Potatoes & Bag Wine, part 1
Hello everyone! Here’s a funny little story about my first summer working outdoors and what I had to do to make ends meet. This is part...

Official Unofficial Guide to Finding an Outdoor Job as a Person of Color, PDX Edition
Let's talk diversity in the outdoors, for a hot minute. You can find organizations like Outdoor Afro doing amazing work to break down the...
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